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June 12, 2024

Bent adaptor or shaft whilst coring

A customer of ours reached out to us and asked the below question;

Why do our shafts keep getting bent on our coring trailers?
Every time we send a rig out with our operatives it comes back with a bent shaft?

Water Swivel, XE50 shaft and 610 Adaptor


The bending of drive shafts can be caused by many reasons.

Bent shafts can also damage the internal bearing and seal damage within the water swivel leading to an expensive fix or replacement.

(Our drive shafts have been made to the same specification for the last 15 years and internally are referred to as the XE50 shaft)

If the operator gets the core barrel stuck or jammed in a hole, then the best way to free the machine is by using spanners.
Rocking the trailer with the barrel in a hole can bend the adaptor and the shafts.
Also withdrawing from a hole and then repositioning the trailer to continue drilling in the same hole can also disfigure the adaptor or the shaft.

Maybe the obvious reason for a bent XE50 shaft or bent 610 adaptor is the coring machine operator is plunging with high force into the surface way too fast, rather than using our unique soft start coring position to slowly begin the hole.

Other reasons that could cause a bent shaft or adaptor:-

• Trying to drill at an angle to the surface rather than at 90 degrees to the surface.
• Applying too much feed pressure so the rig starts to shake or move around.
• Not having the rear foot down & securely located.

Our 610 adaptor is actually designed to be the weak point whilst coring, as you want this to bend and break first and not the XE50 shaft or the water swivel, which can be an expensive fix.