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July 18, 2024

Emergency stabilizer dump valves.

Emergency stabiliser dump valves.

These valves are fitted to T4 & T5 machines.

They are for use when the machine’s petrol or diesel motor cannot work, due to breakdown or no fuel.

The valves when ‘pulled out & held out’ make a connection from the topside of the front or rear stabilisers back to the hydraulic reservoir. This allows the manual jockey wheel to be operated lifting the front of the trailer to put pressure onto the rear stabilisers to retract them.
Operating the manual jockey wheel to lower the front of the trailer puts pressure onto the front stabilizer to retract.
Once clear of the road surface some wooden blocks or similar can be used between the stabiliser feet & the road surface to further retract the stabilisers

Dump valves shown on a T4 coring machine.