Common core sample diameters:
100mm (107mm x 450mm diamond core barrel)
150mm (158mm x 450mm diamond core barrel)

Using a core extractor to easily lift out the cleanly cut core sample, leaving you with a 107mm or a 158mm hole which needs to be made safe, and filled back up with the correct specification class of material and sealed, this is known in the industry as "Back filling" and many consider this to be an art in itself.
A hydraulic breaker or a tamper fitted with a stem and tamper pad you are able to fill the void with the best graded material. We highly recommend the lightweight LH11 hammer by Atlas Copco for this kind of job.

At Xcalibre we set to work to design and manufature these tamper pad diamteres, as we noticed that these were absent in the market place.
We now produce and stock 100mm diameter and 150mm diameter tamper pads.
So by matching the diameter of the tamper pad to the hole size, you will reduce the time back filling and in turn save you money.