Despite their power there is little or no kick or snatch due to the in-built pressure / torque limiting valve.
Four sizes of unit available.
- Very low maintenance, no fragile electrical components and no electric motor burn-outs.
- Low noise and high performance with increased diamond core bit life.
- Hydraulic operation allows the unit to be used in underwater applications.
- Quiet and spark free operation makes the Magnum ideal for use in hazardous environments.

Maximum input pressure is 150 bar / Optimum input flow 20 l/min. When using hydraulic supplies in excess of 20 l/min & 150 bar please use Xcalibre pressure & flow limiting FPC valve (Part number 80803420). The noise levels have been measured at 83 Db @ 1 metre which is as little is quieter than many electric drills, thus making the Magnum ideal for operating inside occupied buildings and safer for the operator.
With no electrical components the Magnum is spark free making it an ideal tool for working in confined spaces where there might be a gas hazard or for example, on petrochemical sites. 8 Kgs (Excluding hoses, core barrel & drill adaptor). Hand/Arm Vibration free running only 0.6m/sec r.m.s.

The Magnum and hydraulic hoses are sealed and impervious to the effects of water making this drill ideal for inverted wet drilling or under water drilling.
There are a host of examples of the Magnum being used under water, the hydraulic power packs are parked on a barge or structure above the water and the hoses are dropped down to the under water drilling position. The Magnum has been used for example, to drill fixing holes on pier refurbishment and on oil extraction structures. When drilling larger diameter holes under water it is advisable to mount the Magnum on a drill stand bolted to the structure - divers find it difficult to apply pressure to a drill because of the effects of buoyancy and currents. Despite being under water, water flushing is still required for the diamond drilling process to clear away the abraded material from the cutting face.